
Chapter 3, The Clinic

We talked to the parent for a bit and found out the kid no longer lived there. She directed us to the same boarding school. It was clear that we needed to check it out. We headed over to the school and found that it had been built like a prison. We approached the gate and buzzed. Brian was about to tell the person that we were here to see a student, but I knew she'd ask which one, so instead, I just said that we needed to get in. The person basically ignored us and we contemplated breaking in. I glanced behind us and saw some FBI people watching us from a car. I approached and greeted them. They looked a little confused and I asked one for them for a light. He handed me a lighter and I flicked it once and returned it. I figure I might as well annoy the agents while they tail us. However, we still needed a way into the school. I called my friend in the government and asked if he could dig up anything on the place that we could use to get in. He said he'd get back to me. We returned to the office to decide what to do next.

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