
Chapter 1, The Rescue

After exiting the portal, I manipulated the sounds of Desmond's footsteps as he went up the stairs. He walked right up behind one of the gunmen and whacked him over the head with his wrench, knocking him out cold. The rest of us followed and I fired at the other guy with my shotgun. The guards patrolling outside heard the noises and ran over with guns drawn. Brian and Marcus both used Fate to decrease their accuracy. Desmond stepped over to the other gunman inside the room and wrenched him, causing him to fall backwards over the chair behind him. Meanwhile, I crouched behind the window and began to fire at the guards outside. One of them unloaded a burst at me, but only managed to pepper the side of the house thanks to Brian and Marcus. Desmond finished the thug on the floor, and Brian and I took the other one down with several shotgun blasts. The guard on the far end of the house decided to make a run for it. We let him go, as there was still one more left upstairs and we needed to make sure the hostages were safe.
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