
Chapter 2, Following the Trail

The supply closet was locked, but Brian convinced a staff member to unlock it for us. nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary, but after looking closely, we noticed some strange gray spores lining one of the shelves. We took a sample of it and moved on to the morgue. There, the mortician let us look around for a bit. We didn't find much, but then I noticed that there were some body bags dated the day that Eric disappeared, and they still hadn't been disposed of. I asked the mortician about it, and he thought it was strange, as most body bags left the day after the time of death. He let us open one of them up, and we found more of the gray spores on the body's finger tips. I asked him to do an autopsy and he agreed, starting at the hand. What we then saw was like something out of a sci-fi novel. The inside of the hand was completely overgrown with this black fungal substance that snaked up into the arm in tendrils.

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