
Chapter 2, Fallen Hero

Brian talked to the thing and learned some more. Apparently, Eric had been working with the spirit for a while, doing some research. Things had been going pretty well, and then one day Eric had made it start spreading these spores everywhere, infecting people. It seemed odd to me. We needed to get this spirit to stop spreading the spores, though. Brian talked some more and it basically told us that we had to offer it something in order for it to stop. Apparently it wanted some "essence," which I barely even understand. But, we remembered Angus, and figured that he had to have some, being a Spirit mage and all. We left the spirit and headed back to the office. I opened the file, and it was on Eric. It said the same thing we had heard all along - that he was an upstanding citizen. Something didn't add up - Eric was considered a model citizen by basically everyone, but he also commanded that spirit to spread the spores everywhere. We needed more information.
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