

When they grabbed me, it felt like my arm had been submerged in liquid nitrogen. They jumped onto me and I stumbled onto my back. I fired my handgun frantically, and the shadow things recoiled, giving me a chance to run away. I came to another spiral staircase and hustled to the top. There was a trapdoor, and I quickly climbed through and slammed it shut, locking it. I collapsed on the floor of what appeared to be a tower, complete with crenelations. I looked around, and realized I wasn't in Vietnam anymore. The sky was a bright red hue, and the landscape miles below me was barren rock. I couldn't believe how high up I was. There were a lot of stairs, but not this many. I wondered about how I would get back to the airport. I figured I should start with simply getting down from this tower. Where was I, anyway? Then, I noticed the guy standing nearby on the tower, watching me calmly. Only, now he looked more like some kind of devil or something.

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