
Chapter 1, The Rescue

Marcus decided to use Fate to have a random, friendly neighbor just happen to drive by and give us a lift. Desmond fashioned a large duffle bag out of some fabric inside the house to conceal our guns. After arriving back at the office, Sarasvati agreed to help Marcus with the supercomputer. Afterwards, I asked Marcus about our pay and he left. I scried on him and watched him enter a seemingly randomly selected house and break a hole in the wall in one of the rooms. It contained a large amount of cash, which he brought back. I asked him where he gets this stuff, and he responded, "I think you know." I guess he noticed me scrying. I also asked him what he planned on doing with the supercomputer. Marcus cryptically responded that he wanted to prevent the apocalypse. At first I thought he was joking, but he went on to say that we were all a part of this process now. He was certain that some kind of apocalypse was bound to happen, and he wanted to be able to predict it.
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